Chutes chez les aînés: tour d’horizon

Falls among seniors: an overview

You have just blown out your 80th birthday. Rather sedentary, overweight, your strength and balance are not what they were before. You fear more and more that you will fall. You have even abandoned certain activities, which brings you to ...
Proches aidantes au front

Caregivers on the frontline

If you are unsure whether the government should invest more in caregiving, this article is for you. I recount the experience of a couple: Yanick and Gisèle. Their sincere and powerful testimony. Here's how they became caregivers ...
Le rôle de proche aidant d’aînés

The role of caregivers for the elderly

The Quebec population is aging. Caregivers of seniors will become more and more numerous. It is clear that their involvement is significant within our society. In fact, 70 to 80% of the care received by a person suffering from an illness ...
Faire le deuil de sa maison

Mourning of one’s home

Leaving our home is never easy. Whether it's for a retirement home or a smaller apartment, leaving our home leaves a scar. It's kind of dying. It is an ordeal that eventually leads to mourning (house mourning)...
Parcours de rétablissement de six travailleuses

The path to recovery of six workers

The social economy, which lies between the private and public sectors, is at the origin of the development of social enterprises such as Groupe Innova. The latter oscillates between an entrepreneurial goal ...
La peur de vieillir

The fear of aging

In our performance society, if there's one time in life that most of us are desperate to put off, a time that makes us gloomy and anxious, it's our own old age. We look at our aging parents, thinking to ourselves afterwards...